Building Static Haskell Binaries with Nix

Posted on 3 January 2018
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Most of the instructions in this blog post have been improved on in Niklas Hambüchen’s, so if you’re primarily interesting in getting things working quickly I would recommend looking there first.

Skip to the end for a faster and easier way of getting this working. All you have to do is clone the linked repo and run nix-build default.nix!

The section of the Nixpkgs manual that talks about creating statically linked binaries with Haskell ends with the caveat:

It’s important to realize, however, that most system libraries in Nix are built as shared libraries only, i.e. there is just no static library available that Cabal could link!

That sounds like a challenge. Especially when doing it on other platforms is so easy.

On other platforms, building a static binary is meant to be as simple as

$ cabal update
$ cabal install --only-dependencies
$ cabal configure --disable-executable-dynamic --disable-shared --ghc-option=-optl=-static
$ cabal build

with the magic happening in the second step. On Nix, we do in fact have the necessary static libraries and we can provide them as build inputs but keeping track of the library paths gets hairy quickly. Fortunately Nix has an escape hatch called buildFHSUserEnv that we can use to simulate an environment that cabal is more familiar with.

Let’s put it through its paces by building a simple Scotty web app:


name:                blank-me-up
license:             BSD3
build-type:          Simple
cabal-version:       >=1.10

executable blank-me-up
  main-is:             Main.hs
  build-depends:       base >=4.9 && <5
                     , scotty
  default-language:    Haskell2010


 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Web.Scotty

import Data.Monoid (mconcat)

main = scotty 3000 $ do
    get "/:word" $ do
        beam <- param "word"
        html $ mconcat ["<h1>Scotty, ", beam, " me up!</h1>"]

We create static.nix:


  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
in pkgs.buildFHSUserEnv {
  name = "fhs";
  targetPkgs = pkgs: [
    (pkgs.haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [ cabal-install ]))

This defines a chroot where statically linked versions of gmp, glibc, and zlib are available, as well as zlib.h. We enter this environment by running

$ $(nix-build static.nix)/bin/fhs

and then we can run the commands above with only slight modifications:

$ cabal update
$ cabal install --only-dependencies --extra-include-dirs=/usr/include --extra-lib-dirs=/usr/lib
$ cabal configure --disable-executable-dynamic --disable-shared --ghc-option=-optl=-pthread --ghc-option=-optl=-static --ghc-option=-optl=-L/usr/lib
$ cabal build

The difference is the extra options passed to the linker. After the last command, I get a whole bunch of warnings about

"Using '<function>' in statically linked applications requires at runtime the shared libraries from the glibc version used for linking"

which is definitely something to watch out for if you plan on deploying these executables to a machine that might be running a different version of glibc. A more robust solution is to link against e.g. musl instead of glibc, as Niklas Hambüchen has done here. You can confirm that the executable has been statically linked by running

$ ldd dist/build/blank-me-up/blank-me-up
        not a dynamic executable

I’ve made this project available here if you’d like to tweak it. Since this was relatively straightforward, I think it might be possible to do this without buildFHSUserEnv. Maybe I will try that next.

Happy static linking!

Edit 1: This turned out to be fairly easy. I took the output of

$ cabal2nix --shell . > default.nix

and changed enableSharedExecutables, enableSharedLibraries, and configureFlags as follows:

enableSharedExecutables = false;
enableSharedLibraries = false;
configureFlags = [
  "--ghc-option=-optl=-L${pkgs.gmp6.override { withStatic = true; }}/lib"

This is also available in the linked repository, and you can pin nixpkgs as follows to get my exact build:

$ nix-build -I nixpkgs= default.nix

Edit 2: Moritz Angermann and Niklas Hambüchen improved these instructions to be more robust. Thanks Moritz and Niklas!