You Could Have Invented The State Monad
I’m attempting NICTA/course a second time. I gave up the last time because none of the State exercises were making sense and I found myself leaning so heavily on the solutions that I wasn’t actually learning anything. This time I was much better prepared after watching lots of CanFPG talks, reading lots of blog posts and writing a little Haskell, and I easily cleared the State hurdle. In fact, I’m now going to demonstrate how you (yes, you) could have come up with it (with a little help).
The fundamental insight of state is that it can be represented by a function
that takes a value of type s
and returns a tuple of some value a
and a new
value of type s
newtype State s a = State { runState :: s -> (a,s) }
Given such a type, what would its Functor
instance look like?
instance Functor (State s) where
(<$>) :: (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
Our implementation should be another State that takes a value s0
, passes it
to the second argument sa
(resulting in (a, s1)
) and calls the function
on a
(<$>) fn (State sa) = State (\s0 -> let (a, s1) = sa s0 in (fn a, s1))
This is a State that takes s0
and returns (b, s1)
, which is exactly what we
Let’s look at the Applicative
instance next:
instance Applicative (State s) where
pure :: a -> State s a
(<*>) :: State s (a -> b) -> State s a -> State s b
The implementation for pure
explains where the a
in our State comes from.
Given some a
, return a State that, when fed a value s
, results in (a,s)
It practically writes itself.
pure a = State (\s -> (a,s))
is a bit trickier, because we’re dealing with both the State the
function is in and the State its argument is in. The implementation should be a
State that takes a value s0
, feeds it to sa
to get (fn, s1)
, feeds s1
to sb
to get (a, s2)
, and calls fn
on a
(<*>) (State sa) (State sb) =
State (\s0 -> let (fn, s1) = sa s0
(a, s2) = sb s1
in (fn a, s2))
The hardest thing is remembering to thread s0
through sa
and sb
so that
we don’t lose any state on the way. We can usually follow the types but they
don’t help in this specific case.
Finally, let’s look at the Monad
instance Monad (State s) where
(>>=) :: State s a -> (a -> State s b) -> State s b
As with all our previous implementations, it has the form:
(>>=) (State sa) fn = State (\s0 -> let ??? in ???)
We know that we need to feed s0
to sa
to get an a
to apply to fn
(>>=) (State sa) fn =
State (\s0 -> let (a, s1) = sa s0
??? = fn a
in ???)
The result of fn a
is a State sb
but we need to return a tuple of (b, s)
We can obtain one by feeding s1
to sb
(>>=) (State sa) fn =
State (\s0 -> let (a, s1) = sa s0
State sb = fn a
in sb s1)
Let’s define a few functions to make our lives easier. get
returns a State
that, when fed some s
, returns (s,s)
. This allows us to expose s
direct modification:
get :: State s s
get = State (\s -> (s, s))
allows us to store a State that ignores the s
passed to it later:
put :: s -> State s ()
put s = State (\_ -> ((),s))
Sometimes we want the s
and not the a
exec :: State s a -> s -> s
exec (State sa) s = snd $ sa s
At other times we want the a
and not the s
eval :: State s a -> s -> a
eval (State sa) s = fst $ sa s
With all this machinery in place, we can do this:
Prelude> exec (do i <- get; put (i+1); return ()) 0
I still couldn’t believe that this worked the first time I tried it, so let’s desugar this:
do i <- get; put (i+1); return ()
== get >>= \i -> put (i+1) >>= \_ -> pure ()
== State (\s -> (s, s)) >>= \i ->
State (\_ -> ((), i+1)) >>= \_ ->
State (\s -> ((), s))
Let’s simplify from the bottom up. By the definition of (>>=)
(>>=) (State (\_ -> ((), i+1))) (\_ -> (State (\s -> ((), s)))) =
State (\s0 -> let (a, s1) = (\_ -> ((), i+1)) s0
-- (a, s1) = ((), i+1)
State sb = (\_ -> (State (\s -> ((), s)))) a
-- sb = (\s -> ((), s))
in sb s1)
-- ((), i+1)
== State (\s0 -> ((), i+1))
== State (\_ -> ((), i+1))
Plugging that back in, we have
State (\s -> (s,s)) >>= \i -> State (\_ -> ((), i+1))
Which we can simplify in the same way:
(>>=) (State (\s -> (s,s))) (\i -> State (\_ -> ((), i+1))) =
State (\s0 -> let (a, s1) = (\s -> (s,s)) s0
-- (a, s1) = (s0, s0)
State sb = (\i -> State (\_ -> ((), i+1))) a
-- sb = (\_ -> ((), s0+1))
in sb s1)
-- ((), s0+1)
== State (\s0 -> ((), s0+1))
== State (\i -> ((), i+1))
Finally, we have
exec (State (\i -> ((), i+1))) 0
== snd $ runState (State (\i -> ((), i+1))) 0
== snd $ (\i -> ((), i+1)) 0
== snd $ ((), 1)
== 1
This is my favourite thing about Haskell: the fact that it is built on abstractions that can be reasoned about in such a rigorous manner.
In fact, with some inspired renaming, you too could have invented the continuation monad.